Monday, January 3, 2011

Visualising Data: Conclusion

Throughout the project i have learned a few things about handling data, and found a spreadsheet to be my new best friend when doing things like this, I also found using a colour palette and sticking too it can enhance your final imagery and challenge you into finding different ways of doing things.

The drumming rudiments idea would have been fun to do, but it really proved unlikely to find a type of data available to me that compare to the patterns, therefore i am very happy with my final idea choice, the crime VS how scared statistics proved to be interesting to compare and shows that people from the north west are made of harder stuff than the rest of england.

If i was asked to do this project, i would still choose the same sets of data, and using the home office website to proved to be really helpful in finding governmental data.

I found the project quite challenging at first, and i had to look really in depth to find the solutions and data i needed, finding it hard to arrange the data at first i soon learned a routine for organising it that worked for me,i was struggling alot at first to find something to base my final idea on, i changed my three initial ideas several times.

Overall i am very happy with the final piece i have produced for this project, i found the whole experience to be a learning one.

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