Thursday, February 24, 2011

Narrative: Conclusion and final piece

Overall i think my final piece ended up exactly how i imagined it, it took a lot of rummaging around the internet to find the plug-ins and techniques i needed to pull what i had imagined off, but i think it worked well in the end.

If i could do it again i would choose to finish the song, but due to the timescale we were given i chose to do only the first verse and chorus as to not make the video too long, and to give myself sufficient room to breathe when producing it.

What i feel didn't work too well is the first stage is a bit dim due to the effects applied to it, but looks too bare without them there, as i could not justify having mismatching effects and for the sake of keeping it together i kept the effects and will have to hope the dimness doesn't ruin the final feel of the video.

i feel the timescale wasn't too restrictive, but it was challenging due to having to learn the program as i went along.

""My final piece is too big to upload at the moment, but will be in this space when i can render it for 6 or so hours again""

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